Diwali is the festival of lights that is celebrated all over the world to remember the pious homecoming of Lord Rama. Also known as Deepawali, the festive season has festivities like Dhanteras, Lakshmi Puja, Padva, Govardhan Puja, and Bhai Dooj. It is a festival which celebrates togetherness. However, along with the goodness, there are a few not-so-good things like air pollution, noise pollution and wastage of resources that can cause harm to the nature. This year, at Chandak Group we pledge to do our bit in saving mother earth! Here are some ways of celebrating Diwali with the same fervor but without burdening the environment.
1. Gifting Plants to Your Loved ones
Presents are an essential part of the festivities. To make a positive impact through your gifting, you can consider gifting a live plant to your family and friends. The plants will not only make the ambience more delightful but will also do wonders for the air quality.
3. Eco-Friendly Crackers
Replacing the old habit of bursting crackers is difficult but not impossible. Given the awareness created by education, we now have an option of eco-friendly crackers, which are made up of alternative raw materials that pose lesser health risks. At the same time, do not forget to teach your kids about the effects of pollution and make them aware of the importance of good air quality.