Green Living - how impactful is it?


Green Living - how impactful is it?

By Author
5 Minutes
6th June 2022

“Try to leave the Earth a better place than when you arrived" ~ Sidney Sheldon

As rightly said in the quote, we might not be able to change the whole world at a time, but we can definitely try and bring in change at a personal level. Green living is one of the ways of doing so. 

What exactly is meant by green living?

It refers to a way of life where your every action and decision is in harmony with nature. Every small step taken in the direction of bringing a change is very crucial - that includes small-scale developments like planting a home garden to a big scale unanimous move of societal tree planting. 

How can we as individuals turn to a greener life?

Getting into the technicalities of how our carbon footprints are increasing by the day or by what percent are our acts affecting the planet, really is just a means of being informed. Now is the time to act! We have been told multiple times about all the activities we should avoid in order to bring a change, and now is the time to imply them. 

Below mentioned are a few ways in which we can move toward a greener life:

1. Set up your home-grown garden: In urban life, due to space crunch, it is next to impossible to have your own extensive garden where you can grow your own plants. But with real estate moving towards sustainable living, developers are now offering garden spaces in your homes where planting of your choice can be done with convenience with space-saving techniques like vertical gardens that utilize the vertical walls of the balconies.

2. Introduce composting at home: Composting is a way of reducing the wet waste at home and using it as manure for your plants. This practice reduces the amount of waste generated and makes new plants healthier.

3. Buy sustainably: Another way of bringing about a change is by making the right choice as consumers. Buying local produce instead of imported is a way of becoming energy efficient. 

4. Reduce the consumption of single-use plastic: Eliminating plastic altogether is a far-sighted dream but every step towards avoiding the use of plastic can help reduce plastic waste by a significant amount. Some simple ways of doing so are by switching plastic cutlery to wooden ones, and plastic bags to sustainable cloth ones. 

5. Change your ways of commuting: Maximum increase in carbon footprints comes from the vehicular exhaust. One way we can curb it on an individual level is by either choosing to travel by public transport or opting for carpooling with people in your locality, traveling to a common location. 

Are residences moving towards green living?

As a society, it becomes our duty to give back to mother Earth at least some part of what we consume. Now, be it in the form of waste management, replanting trees, or turning to a renewable source of energy consumption.

Chandak Group has been taking initiatives to be on the greener side of the development curve. Last year during the festival of Ganesh Chaturthi, a move was made towards #GoGreenWithChandak, encouraging all our residents to shift towards eco-friendly celebrations. 

To move ahead, a drive for tree plantation was organized at Chandak Stella where every Stella resident planted saplings with their loved ones which would be nurtured to grow into their beloved tree someday

Apart from the drives, the value for green living is deeply imbibed at Chandak Group. Projects like 34 Park Estate - Goregaon, Unicorn - Andheri (W), Cornerstone - Worli, all are  IGBC (Indian Green Building Council) certified.

With the upcoming project GreenAiry, at Magathane, Borivali (E) the company will aim to deliver an opportunity where the best of both worlds come together with open green spaces and airy views at their best. In close vicinity to the Sanjay Gandhi National Park, green living will come naturally as an experience to the residents here.

With every single step, we move towards a greener tomorrow and a sustainable and happier life for our loved ones! 

Stay Green! Stay Clean!